SERVICE OF PROCESS Process Service is the process of serving the papers of summons of court order. Often times an investigator is used to do the serving process. This is because often times the person who is being served does not want to be found and requires a search for the subject. If a person does not want served they will more often than not leave town and hide. That is why an investigator is perfect for the job because they can look for and serve the person using surveillance and talk to people who may know them to get information about where they may have gone. With Process Service a qualified investigator will provide you the answers you are looking to find.
OUR COMMITTMENT We serve Individuals, Lawyers and claims administrators across the country with the information needed to make well-informed decisions. Our agents gather the background necessary to get the vital facts with the greatest impact on your file – at prices, you can afford! To find a qualified private investigator in your area, search our network. Still can’t find what you are looking for? Call us at 888-777-5654.